From Iceland — Mass Vaccinations At Laugardalshöll To Cease, New COVID Death, New Record Numbers

Mass Vaccinations At Laugardalshöll To Cease, New COVID Death, New Record Numbers

Published February 16, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
John Pearson

Mass vaccinations at Laugardalshöll, which began in February 2021, will be drawing to a close this month, Vísir reports.

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Those who seek to get vaccinated and to get booster shots next week are instead being directed to schedule them with their area health clinics. This decision was taken, according to head of nursing at capital area health clinics Ragnheiður Ósk Erlendsdóttir, due to slowing and lower attendance for vaccinations at this location. This probably has much to do with the fact that, according to data on, 288,150 Icelanders aged five and up are now fully vaccinated, comprising 81% of this age group, and 201,507 people have gotten their booster shots.

As reported, there were 2,489 recorded domestic cases of the coronavirus in Iceland yesterday. This marks a new record in daily coronavirus cases, and comes as Minister of Health Willum Þór Þorsson announced that he intends to lift all domestic and border pandemic restrictions by February 25th.

Sadly, a man in his fifties has succumbed to the coronavirus yesterday, Vísir reports. The man in question was in intensive care at the time, and he marks the 58th death in Iceland to the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

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