From Iceland — Many Rescue Squad Dispatches In Yesterday's Storm

Many Rescue Squad Dispatches In Yesterday’s Storm

Published January 26, 2022

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

Yesterday’s level orange storm which swept across southern and eastern Iceland yesterday resulted in a flood of calls to the rescue squad for assistance, Search and Rescue reports.

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In all, 151 volunteer rescue workers, and 21 rescue squads, responded to calls, most of them around the capital area, in Suðurnes, and in the Westman Islands.

While there have been no reported serious injuries, most of these calls regarded property damage such as broken windows, torn roofs, and uprooted trees. Flying grills were also reported, as well as the Icelandic storm tradition of having to rescue trampolines from stormy winds.

This has in fact become so much of a typical part of the rescue squad’s work in storms that they list the number of trampolines they have had to tie down in their post-storm data. In this instance, there was only a merciful two trampolines which required saving.

There were also some boats that needed rescuing in their harbours, as high winds resulted in some flooding. All told, a busy night for Search and Rescue.

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