A bomb threat was received via email at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð secondary school last night. School has been cancelled until the threat has been taken care of.
A statement from the police was released this morning just before 9:00. It stated that they believe they know who is behind the threat, however, the person in mind is abroad.
The statement goes on to say that this is not the first time the person has been involved in these kinds of threats.
In an e-mail that Steinn Jóhannsson, Rector of MH, sent to students and guardians this morning, he said that teaching would be cancelled until noon today due to uncontrollable reasons.
Securing the grounds and taking control
The police took control of the situation very quickly this morning with the whole school being evacuated and secured.
Operations on the grounds are complete. School administrators have been notified and a decision will be made as to when the school will reopen.
The police do not want to provide further information about the incident at the moment but Vísir reports that the Coast Guard’s bomb search team were at the scene.
The police report is as follows:
A bomb threat was received at the e-mail address of Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð last night, so schooling there will be cancelled at the beginning of the day.
As soon as the police were notified of the case, they responded immediately and appropriate measures were taken, which aimed to investigate all suspicions.
Field operations have been completed and school administrators have been informed of this, but they will make a decision on school management today.
The police believe they know who is behind the threat, but the person is abroad and has previously had the threats in this way.
No further information is available at this time.
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