From Iceland — Bread Shelves Cleared Last Night Before Storm

Bread Shelves Cleared Last Night Before Storm

Published February 14, 2020

Sam O'Donnell

Residents of the capital area stormed the supermarkets and cleared the shelves of bread, milk, and eggs last night in preparation for the storm.

Gréta María Grétarsdóttir, CEO of Krónan, expressed exasperation over the empty bread shelves.

“It’s been crazy busy this afternoon, especially the bread shelves, which are not usually empty on Thursday. They’re empty now,” she told Vísir yesterday.

Krónan and other grocery stores prepared for the storm, closely monitoring the weather forecasts. No matter how much food they put on the shelves, the people always clear it out. Still, the long lines and empty shelves are nothing new. This happens every time there is a storm. Something about this weather makes people suddenly remember they need bread, milk, and eggs.

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