From Iceland — Icelanders To Demonstrate In Support Of Kurdistan Tomorrow

Icelanders To Demonstrate In Support Of Kurdistan Tomorrow

Published October 18, 2019

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Linus Orri Gunnarsson Cederborg

A solidarity demonstration in support of the Kurds, who are currently being assaulted by the Turkish military, is slated for Austurvöllur tomorrow.

“Let’s show the people of Rojava that the world is watching and marching in solidarity with them,” the event text reads. “We will gather by Hallgrímskirkja and march down to the parliament square, Austuvöllur.”

As reported, the Turkish invasion of Rojava has drawn words of condemnation from Minister of Foreign Affairs Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson.

Last Monday, the Icelandic government issued a strongly-worded statement on Turkey’s military aggression, saying in part, “As this military offensive is not in accordance with international law, Iceland calls on Turkey to immediately cease its operations and respect international law. Iceland further condemns military operations that, as reported, targets civilians and inflicts casualties.”

Kurds living in Iceland have also been vocal in their condemnation of the attacks. As Salah Karim told the Grapevine last week, “The Kurdish people of Rojava are left at the mercy of the most barbaric fascist state of the 21 century. Not only Rojava, but all Kurdish models of democracy are in serious danger.”

Tomorrow’s demonstration begins at Hallgrímskirkja tomorrow at 14:00. From there, demonstrators will march to Austurvöllur, the square in front of Parliament until 16:00, to voice their solidarity for Kurdistan and condemn Turkish incursions.

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