From Iceland — Akureyri Buried In Snow, While Reykjavik Still Waits For Winter

Akureyri Buried In Snow, While Reykjavik Still Waits For Winter

Published December 1, 2018

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Akureyri Backpackers

While Iceland’s capital contends with high winds and little else wintery, Akureyri is a winter wonderland of snow as far as the eye can see.

Those of us who live in Iceland’c capital city are a little bit envious of the “capital of the north” today. The past few days have had us dealing with powerful winds and freezing temperatures, but not much else that would indicate winter is here. What good is winter if you can’t at least get the best part, i.e., heavy snowfall?

Akureyri, by contrast, has been blessed with more than enough snow to go around, as the following post from our Instagram attests. This photo, courtesy of Akureyri Backpackers, is proof positive that when it comes to the weather, Iceland is by no means a monolith. Sometimes you can experience two seasons in a single day just by traveling to another part of our tiny island.

To our friends in Akureyri, make plenty of snow angels for us!

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Just a tiny touch of snow in #Akureyri last night. Photo by @akureyribackpackers.

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