The Environment Agency of Iceland has rejected a statement from United Silicon suggesting that the high levels of arsenic in the air in Reykjanesbær could be the result of something other than the silicon plant, reports RÚV.
An independent party measured normal arsenic levels in the air in Reykjanesbær at three different locations from March to September last year. Since the starting up of the silicon plant in November of last year, results show the rates of arsenic are now at 20 times the accepted limit set by the Environment Agency.
Department Head at the Environment Agency, Sigrún Ágústsdóttir, told reporters that there was no doubt that the silicon plant was the source of pollution.
As reported, the Municipal Council of Reykjanesbær called for the United Silicon plant to be shut down immediately as arsenic levels in the air are consistently dangerous and causing a number of health issues for local residents.
Specialists from the Environment Agency of Iceland and representatives from the Directorate of Health met to discuss the issue yesterday.
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