From Iceland — Faroe Islands: Thanks But No Thanks, Iceland

Faroe Islands: Thanks But No Thanks, Iceland

Published January 3, 2017

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by

While the gesture of goodwill is appreciated, the Faroese will not be needing any financial assistance from Iceland in the wake of storms that washed over the islands over Christmas.

As reported, devastating winds and rain slammed the islands over Christmas, prompting the Facebook group “Faeroe Islanders and Icelanders Are Cousins” to implore the Icelandic government to send financial aid to the islands.

These calls apparently did not go unheard by Minister of Foreign Affairs Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, as the Ministry posted about the matter on the occasion of Lilja meeting her Faroese colleague, Poul Michelsen.

“Poul says he is grateful to Icelanders for their obvious goodwill, but the damage was for the most part insured against, and after consulting with the Prime Minister, the conclusion was reached that they did not need help from the storm,” the Ministry stated. “He sends warm wishes to Iceland, and said that the response was yet another example of the strong relationship between these two cousin countries.”

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