From Iceland — Don't Ask Nanna: About Yule Lads

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Yule Lads

Published December 18, 2015

Hi Nanna, 

Which Yule Lad do Icelanders like the most?

Bah Hum Pug

Dear Bah Hum Pug,

We don’t like any of them per se, but we can’t really have the holidays without them. Kind of like family, they’re pretty weird, they eat all the food when they think no one is looking and they are brazen in their shameful and perverted habits.  But what can you do but drink, silently throw shade and wait for it all to be over?


Dear Nanna, 

Really chuffed to be spending Christmas and New Years in Iceland, any tips?

But Wait, There’s Myrrh

Dear But Wait, There’s Myrrh,

Keep in mind most shops – if not all – will be closed from the 24th to the 26th, so make sure you have food to eat. Or starve, whatever it’s not my problem.

Merry Krampus!


Hi Nanna, 

How do I tell my Icelandic girlfriend I’m allergic to her cats? Do you think she’ll break up with me when she finds out?

Santa Claws

Hey Santa Claws,

“Hello Icelandic girlfriend. I am allergic to your cats. Please don’t dump me.”

I can’t tell you if she’ll dump you over this but I can tell you that I’m not especially blown away by your weak constitution.

Meowy Christmas!


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