Killer Whales Playing Off Coast Of Iceland

VIDEO: Killer Whales Playing By Bolungarvík

Published August 20, 2014

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Minette Layne

An alert journalist in the right place at the right time recorded killer whales frolicking off the coast of Bolungarvík, in the Westfjords of Iceland.

Víkari, Bolungarvík’s news outlet, reports that Guðbjörg Stefanía Hafþórsdóttir spotted three killer whales off the coast of Ósvör, just east of Bolungarvík. As their play intensified, they eventually swam right by the Bolungarvík harbor.

Guðbjörg managed to record two of the whales swimming about ten  metres from shore, gleefully playing with an eiderduck, throwing it around (nobody said killer whales were particularly nice), which you view  below. Killer whales only number in the hundreds around Iceland’s shores, and seeing them swimming so close to shore is an even rarer sight.

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