From Iceland — DJ Robbed Blind While Performing At Þjóðhátið

DJ Robbed Blind While Performing At Þjóðhátið

Published August 7, 2013

Rex Beckett

Atli Már Gylfason had a nightmarish homecoming when he found his apartment ransacked and robbed blind after returning from performing at Þjóðhátið (“the national festival”), Vísir reports.
The Reykjanesbær based DJ had been in the Westman Islands over the weekend. Upon arriving home on Monday, he found the door had been kicked down so violently that the doorframe broke, and his abode lay in ruins. The thieves took almost everything he owned: a computer, two televisions, expensive sports shoes and clothing, duvets, his vacuum cleaner and even family photos of his children.
“The list goes on and on,” Atli Már told Vísir. “Practically the only thing they did not take is my microwave.” Fortunately for him, the thieves did not manage to get their hands on his DJ equipment as it happened to be locked up in a storage facility in Hafnarfjörður for the weekend.
He stayed with relatives for the night and says he is still coming to terms with the experience. “This is absolutely miserable. It’s the worst situation one can find themselves in,” he said.
Police in Reykjanesbær are investigating the matter and Atli Már is also offering a 50,000 ISK reward for anyone with valuable information. He has set up a Facebook page to receive tips and ensures complete confidentiality.

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