From Iceland — Cops On Bikes Coming To Reykjavík

Cops On Bikes Coming To Reykjavík

Published June 4, 2013

While the horrible weather may be misleading, summer is upon us and, as in summers past, that means an increase in pedestrian and bike traffic in Reykjavík. In order to patrol the city’s pedestrian streets and its cyclists Reykjavík police will be dispatching officers on bikes for the first time.
Two officers are currently preparing for their new mode of transportation and will hit the streets in the near future, RÚV reports. Police officer Stefán Fróðason believes that the introduction of bike cops will be a boon to the city, shortening response times and increasing police access to areas that are hard for cars to navigate during the summer months.
“Police officers are more accessible than those who drive past in a car,” said Stefán. “Pedestrians are more likely to talk with these officers, also. Bicycles will suit the dense areas of the city where traffic is moving slowly.”
The first order of business, according to Stefán, is to determine what kind of uniform the bike cops will be sporting. While Stefán told RÚV that a rain coat or wind breaker is suitable, let’s all keep our fingers crossed that a little bit of spandex makes it into the mix, too.

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