From Iceland — Air Quality Problematic For Allergy Sufferers

Air Quality Problematic For Allergy Sufferers

Published March 25, 2013

The air quality in Reykjavík continues to be problematic for asthma and allergy sufferers, as ash from the East that blew in a couple of weeks ago continues to blow around on the dry streets.
Hólmfríður Olafsdottir, secretary of the Asthma and Allergy Association (AO) has told RÚV that she has had to stay indoors lately on account of the increased quantity of particulates in the air. She believes that the situation would not be so difficult if the city were to flush the streets.
“I just stay inside,” said Hólmfríður. “It doesn’t matter anymore if you’re in the countryside or not, the ash from Eyjafjällajökull is what’s causing this and it’s everywhere. I live not far from Miklabraut and there is hardly any life nearby these days.”

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