From Iceland — Broke Into Police Station, Stole Police Vehicle

Broke Into Police Station, Stole Police Vehicle

Published October 22, 2012

A man in Ísafjörður was arrested early this morning for breaking into a police station parking lot, stealing a police jeep, and taking it for a joyride.
Vísir reports that at around four o’ clock this morning, the suspect in question broke into the garage of the police station in town, stole a police jeep, and drove it out of the lot.
From there, the suspect drove wildly around town. Skidmarks on the roads indicate the man was not exactly careful about his driving. Adding to this was the fact that the roads were icy. The police jeep was found, unoccupied and badly damaged, parked on a sidewalk.
The suspect was arrested shortly thereafter. Police are asking for help from the general public in retracing the path of the joyride through town. Anyone who might have witnessed the event is asked to phone the police, at 450 3731.

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