From Iceland — Strange Night For Police

Strange Night For Police

Published July 19, 2012

Capital area police were called out last night to three separate incidents which were all atypical for police work on any night of the week.
RÚV reports that at about 1:00, police were dispatched to Smiðjuvegur in Kópavogur, where they discovered an intoxicated man trying to break into a car. On confronting the man, the suspect explained that he was not trying to steal the vehicle; he was merely looking for a place to sleep. The man was allowed to come to the police station to spend the night and sober up.
Not too long after, police were dispatched to another incident. On this occasion, the suspect was a naked male at Klambratún. Unsurprisingly, the suspect was also heavily intoxicated. He was arrested and taken into police custody until sober enough to be able to be questioned.
At around 3:00, police received a call from a night shift employee at a shop. The employee complained that there was a cat in the store. The cat in question had been a chronic problem for employees there, as it was in determined pursuit of dried fish. The police explained to the store employee that this fell outside of the jurisdiction of police work, and advised instead calling either an exterminator or the health department.

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