From Iceland — Former President Vigdís: ‘YES’ To Icesave III

Former President Vigdís: ‘YES’ To Icesave III

Published April 8, 2011

Former President of Iceland Vigdís Finnbogadóttir has announced that she has already voted YES in the Icesave II referendum, and urges others to do the same. “In my position, I am not least keeping in mind the old truth that conflict should be settled by negotiation. “This is the mark of peaceful nations, rather than waging drawn out wars about vague matters.”
Vigdís is a highly revered figure in Iceland, and her voice is likely to shift some opinions, although the nation remains divided and conflicted as latest polls reveal.
Read our translation of Vigdís’ statement in full below, as it appeared on news website Pressan.

I have not made a habit out of announcing my position on controversial affairs. However, many people have sought out my opinion on the national referendum that is about to commence. I am very concerned for the nation’s future, and having duly considered the matter I would like to make it known that I have ventured to the polls, due to other obligations in the coming days, and voted yes, in favour of the contract.
In my position, I am not least keeping in mind the old truth that conflict should be settled by negotiation. This is the mark of peaceful nations, rather than waging drawn out wars about vague matters. It is thus that trust is formed between nations. From my point of view, there is no doubt that the reputation of us Icelanders will be very damaged by a continuing conflict, confrontation in the courts and complex legal squabbles. It is also urgent that we Icelanders turn our backs on division and feuding and rather stand with one another to build a cohesive and prosperous future for this nation and its people.
This is what I wish for Icelanders.
Vigdís Finnbogadóttir.

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