From Iceland — Trust In Icelandic Institutions Mixed

Trust In Icelandic Institutions Mixed

Published February 22, 2011

The level of trust that Icelanders have for different public institutions has fluctuated, for some more favourably than for others.
RÚV reports that according to the latest Gallup poll asking Icelanders which institutions they trusted most and least, the Coast Guard came out on top, with 89% saying they trust the institution a great deal. The police follow close behind at 80%, followed by the University of Iceland, at 76%. Three years ago, 90% of respondents said the same about the school.
The health care system came out in fourth, at 74%, followed by the office of the special prosecutor, at 69%, which is actually a 12% from the previous poll.
Public trust in parliament, the national church, and Reykjavík city council, however, has decreased. 33% say they trust the church, while trust in city council is now at 16%. This figure was at 9% three years ago, but then experienced a brief surge upwards before falling again.
Trust in parliament has fallen a great deal since February 2008, when it was at 40%. By 2009, it was at 13%, and is now at 12%.
Surprising absolutely no one, trust in the banking system was at the lowest among Icelanders, at about 6%.

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