From Iceland — Thought the Whale Hunters' Tour Was a Joke

Thought the Whale Hunters’ Tour Was a Joke

Published August 11, 2010

Rannveig Grétarsdóttir, the director of Reykjavík whale watching company Elding, told Vísir that she when she first heard that whale hunters were offering tourists to come on board, she thought it was a joke.
As previously reported, some Icelandic whale hunters have embarked upon inviting tourists onto their boats to witness what whale hunting is like. They intend to show every part of the process, except for the actual killing of a whale.
Rannveig sits on the board of the Iceland Whale Watching Society, and runs one of the largest whale watching companies in the country. She told reporters that tourists have shown no interest in whale hunting or in wanting to learn more about how its done.
“I get a couple questions each year about whale hunting watching,” she says in part. “They’re all from Icelanders. And it’s fun that they want to try something new. I welcome all innovation.”

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