From Iceland — Wants NATO Membership Up for Referendum

Wants NATO Membership Up for Referendum

Published July 28, 2010

In light of a WikiLeaks report about NATO’s military activities in Afghanistan, The Campaign Against Militarism (CAM) wants Iceland to withdraw from NATO altogether. One Leftist-Green MP believes the matter should be up for referendum.
WikiLeaks, which recently published a series of military documents of Afghanistan, recently revealed among other things that Osama bin Laden is still alive, and the NATO forces in Afghanistan are hopelessly lost in their fight against the Taliban. In response, CAM released a statement encouraging the unilateral withdrawal of support for the military effort in Afghanistan, and form NATO itself, saying in part, “It is paramount that Iceland withdraws all support for this war and apologizes for taking part in it.”
In fact, when parliament voted that Iceland join NATO, in 1949, riots broke out.
Ögmundur Jónasson, an MP for the Leftist-Greens, told Vísir that he believes NATO membership should be put up for referendum – that being part of a military organization is an important decision, and one the Icelandic people were never given a chance to vote on.

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