From Iceland — Gnarr Officially Takes Mayoral Office

Gnarr Officially Takes Mayoral Office

Published June 16, 2010

Yesterday, comedian Jón Gnarr officially took office as mayor of Reykjavík. Social Democrat Dagur B. Eggertsson is now city council chairman, and conservative Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir is city council president, while Leftist-Green Sóley Tómasdóttir is city council vice-president.
Addressing city hall yesterday, Gnarr said, “Many people are against new things and find it more comfortable to do things as they’ve always been done. The Best Party is not like this,” adding that no one need fear the Best Party “because it is the best party.”
Contuining, he said, “If it was called the Worst Party or the Bad Party, we would never seek cooperation with other parties. With that, I’m not saying everyone understands the Best Party, but that’s alright.” He closed his speech by quoting the Beatles, in English: “All you need is love, love is all you need.”
RÚV contends, however, that the party is going to need much more than love. According to their own research, a few of the proposals of the Best Party are going to cost upwards of a billion ISK. From where and how this revenue will be obtained remains to be seen.
In the meantime, representatives of the other parties on city council have expressed general satisfaction with the inclusiveness of the Best Party and the change in work attitude.

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