From Iceland — Most Icelanders Want EU Discussion

Most Icelanders Want EU Discussion

Published March 9, 2009

The majority of Icelanders favor a national dialogue on the subject of whether or not to apply for EU membership.
A survey initiated by the Federation of Icelandic Industries showed that about two out of three Icelanders support the idea of the discussion taking place on the national stage. At the same time, most Icelanders remain against joining the EU.
The survey, conducted by Capacent Gallup, contacted 1,350 people in August 2008, 65.2% of whom responded. Of those, 64% supported an EU discussion, 28% were against it and 8% were neutral on the subject.
Also in the survey:
-55% of Icelanders surveyed believe the euro should be adopted as the national currnency.
-45% believe that joining the EU would have a positive effect on their own quality of life, while 48% believe it would be good for the economy as a whole.
-The number of supporters of joining the EU has decreased, while the number of opponents has increased. 45.5% are against joining, while 39.7% favor it.

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