From Iceland — Grapevine New Music: Davidsson, Flott, K.óla & More

Grapevine New Music: Davidsson, Flott, K.óla & More

Published June 28, 2024

Grapevine New Music: Davidsson, Flott, K.óla & More
Photo by
Stroud Rohde Pearce

In our latest issue out on the streets today, journalist Iryna Zubenko chronicles 25 years of Seyðisfjörður-based LungA Art Festival. Starting in 2000, LungA organisers have called it quits, making this year its last iteration. So long, endless nights of summer drenched in the vastness of East Iceland’s mountain ranges. Goodbye, 10-hour road trips to see FM Belfast perform under the bare sky. LungA, it’s been a blast. In remembrance of the influential festival, why don’t you check out the latest happening in Icelandic music? Hell, if you want an even more in-depth take on some of these songs, we got you covered. Head on over to 66 Degrees of Sound for all those steamy takes.

Davidsson — on thin air
Released June 6

This track by Nashville-based Icelandic musician Davidsson is a prime example of southern gothic-meets-Icelandic wasteland. Focusing heavily on the use of the harmonica and lap-steel guitar, Davidsson leads two distinct worlds in his production: one of absolute, unattainable freedom; the other, an existential feeling of being on the brink of death. “On thin air” is the artist’s first single off his forthcoming album Lifelines, out August 8. JB

Svartþoka — Álfkonusöngur
Released June 21

Have you heard about the elves in Icelandic folklore? They are terrifying. They’ll snatch you up just for looking at them the wrong way and make you stay with them in their subterranean otherworld for an eternity. Hell sounds better than being stuck with the elves. Which brings us to Svartþoka’s song “Álfkonusöngur” (Song of the Elf woman). Hauntingly beautiful and ethereal, this is the song you hear before they find you. JB

Flott — Leyndarmál
Released June 21

By this point, Ásgeir Trausti has left an indelible mark on the national soul. Since his 2012 debut Dýðr í dauðaþögn, Ásgeir must be one of the most frequently covered artists of the 21st century, as seemingly endless iterations of his work pop up every now and then. Here, Flott keeps the original energy in a similar vein as the original — although with much-added pizazz and their quintessential funk flair. JB

K.óla – Sex on a cloud
Released June 28

Her first English-language release, K.óla’s latest Sex on a cloud is full of poignant tales of missed connections and breakups, friendships and fun. Somewhere between bedroom, experimental and chamber pop, K.óla once again proves herself to be a fantastic songwriter. Ten points go to the fabulous use of the saxophone. JB

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