From Iceland — Grapevine New Music: Una Schram, Young Nazareth, Emilíana Torrini & More

Grapevine New Music: Una Schram, Young Nazareth, Emilíana Torrini & More

Published June 21, 2024

Grapevine New Music: Una Schram, Young Nazareth, Emilíana Torrini & More
Photo by
Joana Fontinha for The Reykjavík Grapevine

Passersby near Reykjavík’s harbour dock might have noticed a slight change to the scenery in the last week. A giant Ferris wheel seems to have sprung up seemingly overnight. Seeing as views across the bay have been more or less obscured by a combination of good ol’ fog and volcanic smog, it’s not the best timing. People are, understandably, divided on this novel circular phenomenon. Is it an eyesore or a boon for the downtown experience? If you decide to try it out, feel free to tell us about your experience. In the meantime, check out these new tracks.

Tófa — Letter Home
Released June 13

Tófa are on a roll, ramping up to their eventual album release later this summer. This ravageous rock ‘n’ roll track is an ode to the Palestinian nation, which the band emphasises “are entitled to freedom, security, and livelihood,” they wrote in a press release. This anti-war, pro-Palestine track is a great reminder that music can still be an act of political expression, despite what the radio charts want you to believe. JB

Una Schram — Pond Big, Fish Tiny
Released June 14

Despite the title, I’d argue that Una Schram is a big fish in a tiny pond. Starting her music career at only 19 years old, Una spent the majority of her songs lamenting about boys, love, and heartbreak. Those themes don’t escape her completely, but Pond Big, Fish Tiny leans less on young love, rather exemplifying the artist’s maturity and development. Working on the peripheries of RnB, neo-soul, hip-hop, and experimental pop, Una Schram delivers bolstered self-confidence and top tunes. JB

SiGRÚN — Monster Milk / Thirst for first
Released June 20

Rolling on the success of her recent song “Catching up”, the incredibly talented SiGRÚN is back with another single. “Monster milk / Thirst for first” features an array of dizzying beats and melancholic synthesisers, all united with the aim to make you crave that monster milk. SiGRÚN is set to release an album later this year, and I can’t wait to hear more. JB

Young Nazareth — 200 101 vol. 1
Released June 21

It’s quite remarkable that after this much time producing music, Young Nazareth — Arnar Ingi — is only now releasing his first original solo work. Coming up in the club and dance scene surrounding Prikið, Arnar has collaborated with a host of high-profile pop artists, producing music for people such as Birnir, Aron Can, GDRN and Una Schram. A three-track EP, 200 101 vol. 1 is meant to be the first in a trilogy of releases where the artist samples clips from Icelandic hip-hop tracks. JB

Emilíana Torrini — Miss Flower
Released June 21

Emilíana Torrini’s latest album is finally out! The artist’s first solo album in 10 years, Miss Flower is inspired by long-lost letters of Geraldine Flower, the mother of Emilíana’s friend. Rummaging through the letters, Emilíana was so enamoured by Miss Flower’s chronicles of her love life, that she decided to base her album on the find. Lyrically heavy, Miss Flower weaves between song and spoken-word accounts of a simpler time. Emilíana Torrini has announced a European tour starting on July 13. See the details on her website. JB

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