From Iceland — 2015 Kraumur Music Awards Shortlist Unveiled: How Many Have You Heard?

2015 Kraumur Music Awards Shortlist Unveiled: How Many Have You Heard?

Published December 3, 2015

2015 Kraumur Music Awards Shortlist Unveiled: How Many Have You Heard?

The annual Kraumur Music Awards have announced their 2015 shortlist.

Once a year, this independently funded philanthropic arts prize makes it rain kronur onto the Icelandic musicians deemed most likely to turn the cash into wider success, domestically and internationally.

The Kraumur board of Auður Einarsdóttir, Ingibjörg Krisjánsdóttir and Eldar Ástþórsson have at their disposal an advisory board includes musicians Björk, Mugison, Kjartan Sveinsson, and percussionist/IMX ambassador Sigtryggur Baldursson, as well as some knowledgeable media folks and members of the music community such as journalist Árni Matthíasson, radio host Elísabet Indra Ragnarsdóttir and Iceland Symphony Orchestra chairman Guðni Tómasson. They also have a 15-person panel of movers and shakers who listen to over 100 Icelandic albums in the process of coming up with the shortlist. SO MANY EXPERTS! Wow.

The resulting shortlist represents a diverse cross-section of Icelandic music, from composition to techno to metal to rap. The winners, and the structure of the prizes, will be announced later in the month, so stay tuned for that.

So. DRUM ROLL PLEASE. The 2015 Kraumur Awards shortlist is:

asdfgh – Steingervingur
Dj flugvél og geimskip – Nótt á hafsbotni
Dulvitund – Lífsins þungu spor
Fufanu – A Few More Days To Go
Gísli Pálmi – Gísli Pálmi
Gunnar Jónsson Collider – Apeshedder
Jón Ólafsson & Futuregrapher – Eitt
Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir – Howl
Lord Pusswhip – …is back
Misþyrming – Söngvar elds og óreiðu
Mr Silla – Mr Silla
Muck – Your Joyous Future
Myrra Rós – One Amongst Others
Nordic Affect – Clockworking
Ozy – Distant Present
President Bongo – Serengeti
Sóley – Ask The Deep
Teitur Magnússon – 27
Tonik Ensemble – Snapshots
TSS – Meaningless Songs
Vaginaboys – Icelandick

Find out more about Kraumur on their website.

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