From Iceland — 9 Lessons Learned From The First Night Of Sónar Reykjavík

9 Lessons Learned From The First Night Of Sónar Reykjavík

Published February 13, 2015

9 Lessons Learned From The First Night Of Sónar Reykjavík

NINE—When you’re making your way to the back of the room with intense stage lights behind you, your will look like a fuzzy shadow to your friends. Considering that they’re likely considerably intoxicated, you probably look like a flailing Babadook.

EIGHT—With the amount of vomiting I was seeing on Thursday, you should practice your hopscotch skills for tonight

SEVEN—Skipping between venues without having to brave the cold gives Sónar a huge edge over Airwaves.

SIX—Every twenty-something club cat in Iceland is rocking a topknot, and they don’t like to be compared unfavourably to Disney’s Mulan.

FIVE—Mobiles on selfie-sticks are over. Go all in and stick a tablet on there.

FOUR—Throwing elaborate poses and strained facial expressions to prove to the internet that you’re having fun > actually really having fun.

THREE—The SonarPub presented by Carlsberg area is a much better use of the space than I saw last year. I will be spending a lot of my time there drinking 33cl cans of Carlsberg and pretending they’re bottles of red wine (it’s easy when they’re the same price)

TWO—E-cigarettes are God’s gift to smokers

ONE—You will be tempted to get a Bæjarins Bestu hot dog at some point but you will live to regret the mixture of carbonated drinks and onions.

Instead, grab some lobster soup at the Sea Baron, ramen at Momo Ramen, or, best of all, get the Reykjavík Grapevine’s Craving app which gives you restaurant suggestions with a simple shake of the wrist (instead of the usual bed sheet stains and disappointment).

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