From Iceland — Happening Tonight: Icetralia

Happening Tonight: Icetralia

Published April 13, 2016

Happening Tonight: Icetralia
Eli Petzold

Icelandic comic and cartoonist Hugleikur Dagsson has teamed up with Aussie ex-pat Jono Duffy to put together this recurring comedy event in Café Rosenberg. Their comedy, as they promise, is like themselves: the former “filthy and friendly,” the latter “gay, Australian, and a bit desperate.” Obscenities and musical numbers are certain. Food and drink are on offer. All jokes in the lowest common linguistic denominator—English, that is. Bring your own guffaws.

Café Rósenberg, Klapparstígur 25-27
April 13 & 20
2,000 ISK

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