From Iceland — Don't Ask Nanna: About Obama

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Obama

Published October 16, 2015

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Obama
Nanna Árnadóttir
Photo by

Dear Nanna, 

It seems Icelanders were in an uproar over Obama proclaiming Leif Erikson Day while honouring Norway. But he was Norwegian right? Seems like a stupid thing to get upset over. 

History Heretic

Dear History Heretic,

Not only does one of our national heroes get attributed to SNOREWAY but we get criticised for being upset about it?



Hi Nanna, 

Now that Hlemmur is being turned into a food market where will I catch the bus to Akureyri!?! Also, what will happen to the ATM there, it was the best one for me when I visited Reykjavík last. 

Bus Buddy

Hi Bus Buddy,

I know right? I hate when a city attempts to better itself at the cost of innocents like you. All those Akureyri buses that most definitely departed from Hlemmur and not the BSÍ bus terminal on Miðborg. It’s a tragic loss for us all. As is the ATM at Hlemmur, without which thousands of tourists and drunken losers will no doubt suffer, yourself included. If only there were other ATM’s you could use.

My prayers are with you in this difficult time.


Dear Nanna,

I have been reading a lot about norse mythology and old sagas in prep for my trip, what kind of mythological sites can I see in Iceland? 


Dear Mythos,

Legend foretells of a magical place in Iceland called The Bar sometime between 01:00 am and 01:20 am, when you are just drunk enough to feel good but not so drunk you don’t feel good, where the people around you smile just as YOUR jam comes on and the person you have been making eyes at for the last hour at last approaches you on the dance floor.

Personally I have never experienced this as I am almost always too lazy to leave my house and almost certainly too busy eating and watching Netflix. Also other people are the worst. That said, I am told it is truly magical, and as elusive as any mythological experience Iceland has too offer.

If you want to know where to go to see troll rocks or like, places witches were purported to have practiced magic you’ll have to find someone who leaves the house to do something other than source more food to eat.



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