From Iceland — Don't Ask Nanna: About Kids

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Kids

Published April 17, 2015

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Kids

Dear Nanna,

My husband and I were visiting Iceland recently with our six year old son and we all really fell in love with it.

Where I’m from it’s pretty normal for parents to get complimented for traveling with well-behaved kids but I was surprised that wasn’t the case in Iceland.

Are people just not big on complimenting each other in Iceland maybe?

Kind Regards,

Mommy Dearest

Dear Mommy Dearest,

So listen, Icelanders generally don’t shit a waterfall of praise over strangers just because their kid isn’t an obnoxious asshole in public. You don’t get a prize for that.

While you might be amazed that you have managed to raise a kid that is a nice, well rounded human being – no small feat I grant you – strangers you encounter on holiday aren’t going to care because your child is not the centre the world.


Dear Nanna, 

So here’s a question. I was in Iceland not long ago and I guess in my head I expected it to be this crazy party town but everywhere I looked I just saw pregnant Icelandic birds in woollen jumpers sitting in café’s. Is there some secret baby making conspiracy going on right now?

Truth Seeker

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Dear Nanna,

My best friend doesn’t want to have kids. I have two and she’s a natural with them so I have a hard time believing her when she says she never feels that maternal feeling.

It was my son’s first birthday last weekend and my mother asked her when she was going to have a kid of her own and again that line, “I just don’t think I want to have kids.” I casually replied, “bíddu bara” (just you wait) and my friend got really pissed and stormed out.

Now she’s not answering my calls and I’m not sure why I’m bothering anyway since she’s the one who overreacted at my kid’s birthday party!


Dear BFF’S,

LOLZ, I can’t believe your friend thinks she knows her own mind and feels capable of making and understanding her own life choices.

Don’t give up on her! She too can be saved! She just doesn’t know how happy she could be!

If only she would do as social convention dictates she would understand how pointless her childless life is!

She’ll come around! You’re such a great friend!


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