From Iceland — Optimistically Moving Forwards

Optimistically Moving Forwards

Published January 18, 2015

Vigdís Hauksdóttir, MP, The Progressive Party

Optimistically Moving Forwards
Photo by

Vigdís Hauksdóttir, MP, The Progressive Party

We Icelanders are at a good place in light of how little time has passed since the last parliamentary elections and the subsequent turnaround. Fundamental services have been placed in a priority position—healthcare, education and transportation. The national budget has been settled deficit-free for the second time since the current government took the reigns, which is very important and affirms that the state’s debt collection has ceased. This has vastly improved our credit terms on the international market. That the household debt relief’s implementation has commenced is cause for great joy, as it signifies that we have gained the necessary foothold to move society forward, because the household serves as the cornerstone of every society.

We have set the course for the abolishment of currency restrictions and the settlement of the collapsed banks’ estates. If done right, these acts will completely transform the Icelandic nation’s standing. I am very optimistic for the coming year, and choose not to remark upon what the worst-case scenario would entail.

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