From Iceland — Haukur’s 14th Editorial!

Haukur’s 14th Editorial!

Published September 18, 2009

Haukur’s 14th Editorial!

So check this out: we decided to go all out in an unprecedented fit self-serving, self-congratulating narcissism this issue. There is reason to, we feel, as this is the Grapevine’s 101st issue! Yes, that’s right: your usual gang of idiots has managed to pull through for over a hundred issues over the last six years (not counting the Airwaves specials, of which there are 12 thus far), and we feel that is plenty of reason to give ourselves and everyone that has contributed to making the Grapevine what it is a big ol’ pat on the back. Plenty of reason to celebrate. And boast.
Throughout this issue, you will find the cover of every single issue we’ve made, accompanied by stories and anecdotes from the people that made those issues (sorta like special features on a DVD).
Former editors Valur Gunnarsson and Sveinn Birkir Björnsson contributed stories for every issue they made (and what juicy stories many of them are), while the trio of myself along with founders Jón Trausti and Oddur Kjartansson tried to fill in for legendary GV editor Bart Cameron, as he is currently busy touring the US with his awesome band Foghorns and wasn’t in a position to share his thoughts (check out Foghorns great new LP, A Diamond As Big As The Motel 6).
Reading through the stories not only sheds light on the Grapevine’s short history, it also manages to reflect the past six years in Iceland: every major event and issue – along with plentiful samplings of the local discourse – is represented in the Grapevine’s back catalogue; within its total of 4.644 pages, 2.206 articles (by over 300 writers of varying ability), 943 reviews and 109 comix.
Every issue from our catalogue may be downloaded from our website,, so if any of the stories you read in this issue arouses your interest in learning more: be our guest and download that stuff.
Combined, we’ve managed to print 2.947.050 issues that when put together ought to weigh around 70 tonnes (us, the dedicated environmentalists). These are some scary numbers right there.
Anyway, enough about us. Let’s talk about you, constant reader and/or picker-upper. And you, our first time browser through-er. And you, thinker-about-submitting-an-article-or-a-comic-or-some-other-material-er. We ought to thank you guys for being there, for your letters, phone calls and submissions – for your praise and for your scathing criticism. Thank you thank you thank you.
Here’s to a hundred more.

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