From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published September 3, 2009

Stuff We Like!

Just thought we’d draw your attention to the very awesome concert we’ve got going on Friday. Number nine in our gogoyoko presents: Grapevine Grand Rock series, this one is bound to break all boundaries of awesomeness, so you’ll find yourself stuck in some sort of rip in the time/space/awesome continuum.  
Performing is the legendary Dr. Gunni, who has been writing about THE HISTORY OF ICELANDIC ROCK for you guys in the Grapevine this year. He recently released the stunning INNIHELDUR LP, and he tells us this will quite possibly be the only time he performs material off it live.  
His backing band is awesome too. Featuring members of Reykjavík! and Morðingjarnir, those kids will make sure you’ll have a night to remember.
Also performing are the excellent Kimi Records outfit HELLVAR, who will perform old and new material (and their new material kicks even more ass than the old one), legendary outsider troubadour INSOL (who almost never performs, and really is a sorta legend) and the ANGRY ANGRY BLÓÐ!  

  • Where: Grand Rokk
  • When: September 4th, 22:00
  • How Much: 1000ISK
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