From Iceland — Happy Icelandic Independence Day!

Happy Icelandic Independence Day!

Published June 24, 2009

Happy Icelandic Independence Day!

So we closed this issue on early in the AM of June 18, just a couple of hours after Iceland’s Independence Day celebrations died down. Since we were making a paper all day, we didn’t get to do a lot of celebrating of our own, but then again some folks claim there isn’t a whole lot to celebrate these days so maybe that’s just as well.
Still, on some level we did get to enjoy and experience a lot of what June 17th has to offer. We watched the carnival rides work their magic from afar. Some kids that probably lost their balloons stood crying (screaming) outside our office for a while. The evil combined smell of pylsa and candyfloss permeated the air. We suffered the marching band, the rock concert and the screaming drunken teenagers through our open windows. 
We read our officials’ Independence Day speeches on-line. They went on to say that, yeah, things look tough right now. Yes, Iceland as a nation is again struggling for its independence, which is or might be at risk. Right now, we need to make some tough decisions, to undergo a painful transition. We still should celebrate the day; eat pylsur and candyfloss, go on a ride, buy balloons, watch the bands and get wasted. For if we don’t, the terrorists have won. And we are not terrorists, Mr. Brown. Or something.
When we left the office on the morning of June 18th, we were greeted by Reykjavík-in-rubbles. The accompanying photo depicts some of what we saw. Deflated balloons, candy wrappers, pylsa-paper, beercans and vomit. Barf. Puke. Spew. A party was clearly over – one we didn’t get to participate in. The place had been trashed and now it was time for some heavy cleanup.
Some poor sucker would have to sacrifice his morning picking up trash, scrubbing the vomit-stains off our streets.
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