From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published May 8, 2009

Stuff We Like!

So our new issue is out. And we think it’s pretty damn good. It has
pretty much everything in there – and more. For instance, you can and you should read Haukur Már’s review of the new book on DeCode genetics – lots of revelatory stuff in that. You can read about the evil kid-eater Grýla, you can read a bunch of cool album reviews by our most gracious scribes Sindri Eldon and Florian Zühlke, you can figger out exactly what’s going on in Reykjavík and the rest of Iceland for the next couple of weeks [via our awesome listings section], you can marvel at my super relevant editorial, etc. ad infinitum. Lots of great stuff.
Still not sold on picking up or downloading this free magazine? Well, let me then divert your attention to our interview with Dreamland author (and co-director) Andri Snær Magnason, where he has some scathing and eye-opening words for Icelandic authorities (not to mention the various mega-conglomerates that are trying to buy up our beautiful country, one piece at a time). We also feature former Grapevine Ed Valur Gunnarsson’s review of the flick, as well as giving y’all some tickets to go see the sub-titled version next week (e-mail to score yours). And you should see that movie, for it is rather important.
Then, we interviewed David Lynch for this issue. David Lynch, like everyone knows, is an awesome director, and we got him to take a self-portrait for use on our cover as well as answering some questions re: his relationship with Transcendental Meditation. Actually, his answers aren’t in just yet (we’re thinking he has lots of stuff to take care of over in Los Angeles), but as soon as they show up, we’ll post ’em right here on this web-site. Promise.
Furthermore, Paul Nikolov investigates how foreign workers in Iceland are coping with the Kreppa, Eiríkur Norðdahl teaches you about kennings (that’s some crazy poetry stuff right there), Catharine Fulton teaches you how not to get the clap in Reykjavík and Sveinn Birkir Björnsson (yet another former Grapevine editor) gives you his feelings on THE ANGRY SEX ELECTION.
So all in all, this issue’s pretty stuffed with stuff. And I didn’t even tell you about our new look (it looks pretty cool) or the ffffffreeeee download of Valgeir Sigurðsson‘s awesome track, Grýlukvæði, that plays along the credits in Dreamland. Check that out on the frontpage of this very web-site.
Anyway. Click here to download the PDF, or go out on the streets of Reykjavík and seek out a copy.

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