From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published March 30, 2009

Stuff We Like!

We’ve grown very, very fond of the daily updated news here at (look to your left!).We’ve never been averse to tooting our own horn, and we won’t shy away from it now, either: fact is senior Grapevine journalist Paul F. Nikolov (who has been writing for Grapevine since 2003) is doing an excellent job of keeping us English-readers out there up to speed on what’s going on with all things Icelandic.
After six troublesome moths of trying to get our new webpage to work properly, we figured we were close enough last January and thus pestered Paul into being our daily news-update man. And he agreed to do it. Thank the lord.
We are sure you agree Paul is the right man for the job: he is well acquainted with most aspects of Icelandic living (not only has he worked as a high-paid Grapevine journalist, the man’s also clocked in time as an MP, chef and general care taker), he likes to keep up on what’s going on in the world and he has a nose for what Icelandic affairs might interest the outside world. And since the new-Icelander is born and bred on American soil, he offers a different perspective on local matters than what we might expect from Iceland’s “lumpy, mousy-haired, heavily inbred” journalists [via Vanity Fair].
Here are some headlines from the daily news updates (and this is just from last week):
Election Fever Continues
Jury Still Out On Euro
“Iceland and Enron Have a Lot in Common”
Two-Headed Sheep Born In South Iceland
Election Monitors Coming to Iceland
This is some solid reporting right there. Subscribe via RSS, follow our Twitter and sign up for the newsletter to get all your daily updates as they happen.

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