From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published March 25, 2009

Stuff We Like!

Those crazy kids of Retro Stefson
sure turned in some awesome deck-work at freshly opened hotspot Karamba
last Saturday night. Their almighty DJ set had sweat leaking from the
walls and joyous folks scaling them in an attempt to elevate themselves
even further (which was no mean feat).
In the fortnight since it opened for business, Karamba (run by the good
people behind cheapo Mexican restaurant Santa Maria) has been carving
out a niche as a comfortable place to partake in some quality drinking;
the decorations by resident Grapevine artist Lóa and Hugleikur are
inviting and the music on offer is usually of the highest calibre. The
atmosphere of the place is greatly heightened by their practice of
inviting local musicians and music enthusiasts to serve as DJs – and
this was most certainly the case last Saturday night/Sunday morning,
when Retro Stefson blasted us into oblivion. Gosh, we’re still
We’d be hard pressed to finger what it was exactly about that DJ set
that made such a difference. Was it the Lil’ Wayne tunes? The Dr. Dre?
The Angolese techno? The complete and utter lack of musical
discrimination on offer? Refreshing tribal beats and general joyousness? The fact that it’s better to be fun than cool? 
Who knows. But do attend should they ever play again. You won’t regret it.

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