From Iceland — Stuff We Like

Stuff We Like

Published December 19, 2008

Stuff We Like

We like Prikið, their hip hop, their beer prices and their grub. When
they’re not giving away some of their customized, wittily named
hamburgers and fries (which they do from time to time), they still sell
them for a very fair price indeed. Today, we enjoyed a tasty number
loaded with bacon, cheese and garlic sauce – with a side of fries and
soda to boot – all for the low, low price of 1.000 ISK (that’s like…
three US Dollars or something). They’ve also been known to sell their
beer at reduced rates on a whim. So stay alert when you walk past
Prikið, there might well be something in it for you. 

  • Address: Bankastræti 12, 101 Reykjavík
  • Show on Map: click here
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