From Iceland — Survival Tips:

Survival Tips:

Published July 15, 2008

Survival Tips:

This fierce island of ours in the North can be a tough resort to say the least. Over the last few weeks we have witnessed recurrently what seems to be amongst the seamiest hazards known. In our last issue, Grapevine explained thoroughly what is most wise to do in the event of meeting a full grown polar bear while exploring Icelandic nature and now we keep up the good work for the frightened nation. Over the years it hasn’t only been the dire encounters of polar bears that has made Icelanders as coarse as their incumbent condition can well be described as, but also the constant fear of earthquakes; one of nature’s most incessant powers.  This spring we witnessed a few and another one can be expected at any time, therefore we have summed up a few pointers so we can all be as prepared as possible.

ONE. To begin with, when you feel the earth shaking beneath your feet it is most likely your imagination playing tricks on you or your next-door-neighbour is having a raver in the next room causing your underlay to shake a little. To examine if this is the case, simply close your eyes for a second as if this were a bad dream.

TWO. If the earthquake scenario is still factual when you open your eyes and you are indoors – drop, cover and hold on. The wisest thing is to get under a table or bench to avoid any objects falling on you, and if there are no benches or tables in the room sit up against a wall, most preferably holding on to your legs. Wait until the ground has stopped shaking and then check if you’re hurt.

THREE. If you are outside when you realise the earthquake is not a figment of your imagination, stay outside.

FOUR. After quakes are so common subsequently to earthquakes that they can almost be considered inevitable, so don’t get back to your daily routine just yet. You might have to return to your save spot in a few minutes.

Hopefully these pointers are useful when the next one shakes our beloved ground. If not, at least we tried.

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