From Iceland — Kimi Records’ Summerjoy

Kimi Records’ Summerjoy

Published July 15, 2008

Kimi Records’ Summerjoy

Since the Akureyri based publishing company Kimi Records entered the fray of Icelandic publishers, the industry’s activity seems to have increased a great deal. I haven’t gone through a week over the last few months without hearing about some Kimi-artist concert or Kimi-distributed-artist concert. That must count for something, unless it’s only the fact that Kimi Records jerk off their name in connection to concerts more severely than other labels; nevertheless, Kimi are throwing this hot Summerjoy.

This is some kind of a tour with the Kimi artists Benni Hemm Hemm, Borko, Morðingjar and Reykjavík!. The tour’s virgin concert will be in Stokkseyri on the infamous Bastille Day, July 14. From there they will head to the capital of the Westfjords, Ísafjördur, and play at the House of Edinborough. The tour continues to Kimi’s home base at Akureyri and a lot of celebration is suspected, a bit of “Return of the King” atmosphere. Then there is Húsavík, LungA Art Festival in the East fjords, and finally before returning home to smoggy Reykjavík the posse will visit upon Höfn í Hornafirði. The grand finale will be held at NASA, July 23, where Kimi promises some surprise numbers. All the concerts start at 9PM and the ticket is 1,000 ISK. More information at

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