From Iceland — Congratulations Iceland!

Congratulations Iceland!

Published February 10, 2006

Congratulations Iceland!

I am a big fan of Silvía Nótt. I think she is without a doubt the best we could put on display for the Eurovision Song Contest. It therefore pains me to see how certain elements in Icelandic society have made an effort to have her disqualified from the competition. In my mind, she is the only realistic representative.
Her strength lies in her ability to recognise the Euorovision Song Contest for what it is: A comical farce. That is why we need to send someone like Silvía Nótt, someone whose whole act is a farce to begin with. Too many times I have felt embarrassed when watching some wanna-be pop diva try to sing her (and in some cases his) way into the heart of the European community. Too many times I’ve had to endure the laughter when on foreign ground for the hideously tacky performance by this nation’s representatives. Not this time, I say.
The fact that the only people who actually take this competition seriously, the other songwriters, have ganged up on her and tried to exclude her from the competition only adds to the weight of my argument. The best testimony of their understanding of this competition is the fact that they have yet to succeed in bringing home the big prize. In recent years it has been common to view anything above 16th seat as a victory in itself.
Finally we have an opportunity to send someone with a little zest. Please Iceland, don’t mess this up. Let’s all join together to endorse the only person who could bring a little respect to our participation. The only person who will go there, not to play the game, but to be a part of the farce.

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