From Iceland — TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: Things to Fear


Published August 5, 2005


Laptop entertainment centres. Apple always understood it, but now HP and Toshiba have caught up, and you can watch TV and rip DVDs—actually, you can produce Titanic—on your lap. Which is nice. Now you can go on a plane and say “Hey, look at my lap, I’m making Titanic in my lap.” The over-the-top new-to-Iceland Qosmio by Toshiba has so many gigahertz, you can make Titanic and Wonder Boys at once. Good for minutes of look-what-I’m-doing banter.
Jaws Unleashed. Picture this: a sunny day, a beautiful yacht, a scuba diver, then the blood-curdling scream. Okay, you’re used to the shark attack idea. But Universal Entertainment and Majesco have put together a new video game that allows you to BE THE SHARK. Yes, as the shark you eat and maim divers, swimmers, etc. The most depressing realization: absolutely everyone I’ve told about this video game wants to own it. One friend declared he now wants to buy a TV and a Playstation just so that he could experience this game.
Ray Guns. Duh. Of course you should fear ray guns. In July, New Scientist Magazine reported that a 95 GHz microwave ray gun was being tested in New Mexico. In fact, according to Reuters, the Active Denial System, a massive ray gun, is set for deployment in Iraq in 2006 where it will be considered a “less lethal” weapon. What is “less lethal”: the machine apparently is aimed into rioting crowds and causes “heating and intolerable pain” in less than five seconds.

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