From Iceland — All the World´s Problems and their Solutions

All the World´s Problems and their Solutions

Published October 8, 2004

All the World´s Problems and their Solutions

Problems, looked up on Google, bring 77.900.000 pages, whereas solutions show up slightly less, 65.000.000 pages. The difference, which may be interpreted as unsolved problems*, is merely 12.900.000 pages, about 18% of the totality of problems according to blurry mathematics, and indicates that all in all things are going reasonably well.

* It is possible that among the solutions there will be found solutions to problems that never came up, but the number of those should be diminishing and hardly worthy of a footnote remark.

A mere two million pages show up when despair is looked for, whereas 23.200.000 pages are given for comfort. – There is evidence that some of these comforts don’t intend consolation but rather effortlessness, easiness, as in a comfortable lifestyle. However, it may, from these results, be expected that many who despair are comforted, if not all of them and even to a far greater extent than actually needed. Anyhow, the world seems to be doing fine in this field and might even show caution about possible excesses.

76.400.000 pages include death or less than half of those who carry life – 187.000.000 pages – so death seems to be receding fast. However, only 21.900.000 pages did show up for movement, half of the 40.500.000 pages that answered to rest, which might be an indication of life being somewhat slow. The ratio is actually similar to that between left and right, where left gives 90.700.000 pages but right 154.000.000 pages. Certain self-evident ambiguities should hold people from premature conclusions, nevertheless, left might want to earnestly rethink its strategy.

118.000.000 pages give love but a mere 6 million pages surfaced for hate, which more or less self-interprets as a conclusive, absolute victory of love over hate. Along the same lines, fun gives 70.300.000 pages, whereas boredom must settle for an embarrassing 891.000 – less than a million! Well done, fun! Yet 97.200.000 pages expose war and less than a third of those, 29.000.000, peace. An early comparison and analysis might suggest that the love of this world is the love of St. Paul, spread with sword and fire. Fun.

8.760.000 pages mention Iceland whereas foreign countries must settle for 40.600.000 pages – certainly a higher number, but when these totals are divided amongst the participants in the two concepts, Icelanders, being quite few in number, come out remarkably strong (31 points per Icelander, whereas each foreigner must settle for 0,0067 points – that’s right – a ridiculous 7 millipoints!).

Finally, the uncontested winner of the survey, so to speak, is without question world, evoking an astonishing 279.000.000 pages! A sure victory over void – which, however, is far from extinguished, still holding strong on 14.900.000 pages. Certainly no imminent threat to the world, but does call for attention and possible action in the near future.

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