Despite what many tweets would have, Mt. Hekla has not started erupting.This has been confirmed by Grapevine representatives on location, and the whole of the Icelandic media. We have no idea how this crazy rumour got started, but we imagine some genius spotted the RÚV webcam of Hekla (their “Hekla watch,” which has been ongoing for years, as Hekla is overdue for an eruption), spotted a plume or two and did some pretty awful guesswork.
Now, we love us some high spirited conjecture as much as the next hack journalist, but y’all folks should really make sure to make sure your tweets and retweets and untweets and fortweets have some grounding in reality before tweeting them all into oblivion. There is enough disinformation going around as is. That said, if the old girl (AKA “THE GATEWAY TO HELL”) starts spewing out lovely lava and awesome ash, we will be the first to tell you about it.
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Photo by Julia Staples.
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