From Iceland — Word of the Issue: Djammviskubit

Word of the Issue: Djammviskubit

Published March 15, 2017

Word of the Issue: Djammviskubit

The word of the issue this time around is djammviskubit; a portmanteau of “djamm” (“party”) and “samviskubit” (“regret”). It refers to the distinct feeling you get the morning after you drank to excess, when you wake up and realize that you made a complete ass of yourself the night before. It’s sometimes related to unfortunate sexual encounters while under the influence, but not always; you can experience djammviskubit for reasons ranging from getting drunk enough to start a raging barroom brawl, to your karaoke rendition of “Total Eclipse of the Heart” after one too many shots of Ópal. Pretty much every Icelander over the age of 15 has experienced djammviskubit at some point or another, and it’s for this reason that djammviskubit is the word of the issue.

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