From Iceland — Track Of Issue: Grísalappalísa's “Nýlendugata-Pálsbæjarvör-Grótta”

Track Of Issue: Grísalappalísa’s “Nýlendugata-Pálsbæjarvör-Grótta”

Published July 18, 2014

Track Of Issue: Grísalappalísa’s “Nýlendugata-Pálsbæjarvör-Grótta”

This frantic and irreverent song is the band’s very first single off of their new album, ‘Rökrétt Framhald’ (“Logical Progression”). The lyrics focus on a person sneaking out of their home and going on a wild ride through Reykjavík, and in typical Grísalappalísa style, also highlight the banality of life in the city. The chorus in particular drives the point home that nothing is new under the sun, counting up the things the protagonist sees, such as grey skies, empty streets and neon lights, before ending with “et cetera.” The instrumentals further accentuate the contrast between the band’s two singers; Gunnar Ragnarsson’s manic verses come off more aloof and Baldur Baldursson’s stoic segments more rhythmic and classically poetic. As wonderful as the song will sound from your speakers, you should really go see the band play it live—after all, we awarded Grísalappalísa the “Go See Them Play Live As Soon As You Can Award” at our last annual music awards.

Download the track here.

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