From Iceland — Grapevine Events: Girl Gang Screening, Mighty Bear, and Extreme Chill!

Grapevine Events: Girl Gang Screening, Mighty Bear, and Extreme Chill!

Published October 6, 2022

Grapevine Events: Girl Gang Screening, Mighty Bear, and Extreme Chill!
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Girl Gang (screening) + Panel Discussion
Friday October 7th at 17:30 – Háskólabío – 1.900 ISK

Reykjavík International Film Festival (RIFF) has been taking over the city and will be screening ‘Girl Gang’, followed by panel discussion moderated by none other than our Culture Editor Josie. The film is about the 14-year-old Leonie who is trying to make it as an influencer and explores the downsides that come with it. It’s a story of dreams, self-reflection, pressure, and mental health. All topics we should be discussing more. KW

Mighty Bear
Saturday October 8th at 21:00 – Dillon – Free

If the words “audio-visual adventure” make you curious, we have your weekend plans sorted. Don’t miss the free show of Mighty Bear, undisputed queen of electronica in Iceland’s capital. Borderline drag culture and dreamlike abstract electronic pop, this show won’t leave you indifferent. Free entry show starts at 21:00. IZ

Extreme Chill
October 6th to October 9th – Multiple times at multiple venues – 4.900 to 11.900 ISK

The guardians of electronica in Iceland, Extreme Chill, have their yearly festival for the first time since the pandemic started. This year’s line-up reflects all the best that is happening in electronic music in Iceland, and broader. From local Icelandic artists like Grapevine Music Award winner Sóley, to big international players representing various electronic music genres, such as Austrian producer and guitarist Fennesz and Kenyan artist KMRU, the expansive list of acts has us thrilled. The festival planners have dared to say that it’s their best lineup ever! Not that we don’t believe them, but it feels like a good opportunity to check out those facts for yourself finally in the age of misinformation. That said, we at The Reykjavík Grapevine can confirm that this is a pretty impressive lineup and we will definitely check it out. VG

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