From Iceland — The Icelandic Comics Society Invites You To Jam Out Some Sketches

The Icelandic Comics Society Invites You To Jam Out Some Sketches

Published January 27, 2020

The Icelandic Comics Society Invites You To Jam Out Some Sketches
Inês Pereira
Photo by
Védís Huldudóttir in The Icelandic Comics Society's Facebook

The Icelandic Comics Society is hosting a Comic Jam, a moment for creators to meet and create together. The event will take place tomorrow, the 28th of January, in Mál & Menning between 5 and 10 pm.

Besides being a great moment for doodling and networking, the occasion will also hold other activities, such as a lecture on zines with illustrator Dísa Thors and an exhibition of the results of the Finno-Icelandic comics workshop collaboration “Elves At The Airport”.

The organisation was founded by Atla Hrafney, Védís Huldudóttir, and Einar Valur Másson, who all work as professional comics creators. They aim to bring attention to the art of comics and to keep it alive in the Reykjavík scene.

The Icelandic Comics Society welcomes everyone to these activities, from professionals to enthusiasts, and will make sure that everything is accessible, even to none-Icelandic-speaking guests.

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