From Iceland — Icelandic Superstitions: Making It Rain

Icelandic Superstitions: Making It Rain

Published November 8, 2019

Icelandic Superstitions: Making It Rain
Sam O'Donnell

Now that October is behind us, and the rainy season is supposed to be over, it’s finally time to take care of the leaves in your backyard. As mundane as this domestic activity seems, beware: there are superstitions lurking in the grass.

Watch the bugs

As you rake, you can’t help but notice little black beetles on the ground. Called blacksmith beetles, they’re ugly, but be careful not to step on them or you might cause a rainstorm. At least, that’s how the old wives tale goes. When you’ve finished, be sure to put the rake away with the tines facing the ground—if the tines face the sky, you’re inviting more rain.

If you make the mistake of trodding on the beetles or putting the rake away incorrectly, don’t be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. That said, once the rain comes, make sure you don’t use an umbrella. That means even more rain, and the wind will snatch it from your hands anyway.

Thanks, Grandma

Take heed of your dreams as you sleep that night. If your dead relatives appear to you, that means a storm is a’brewing. Yes, even if you’ve taken care to watch out for the beetles, delicately put your rake away, and even thrown away your umbrella, your dead relatives can still cause a downpour. Worst reunion ever.

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