From Iceland — Perfect Day: Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir

Perfect Day: Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir

Published September 27, 2019

Perfect Day: Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir
Lea Müller
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Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir is one half of the indie band Between Mountains, which won Iceland’s Battle of the Bands Competition in 2017 and is best known for their song “Into the Dark.” This is how she would spend her perfect day:

First Things First
Before I describe my perfect day, I want to specify the season in which it is taking place. It’s winter—winter is wonderful and I love Christmas so much! It’s totally my favourite time of the year!

On my perfect day, I grab my robe, have a cup of tea and eat some delicious breakfast. I pet my cats, Eldur and Tímon, and while I sip my tea I look at the snowy, beautiful Icelandic landscape just outside the big window in my house, which would be located somewhere near Reykjavík. Coming from a small town in the Westfjords, Reykjavík is too big for me, but I’d like to live nearby.

Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir

Mid-morning to Afternoon
I’d do some exercises and afterwards, take a hot shower and sing like there is no tomorrow. Then I’d drive downtown, ideally in some eco-friendly car, to a set where I am about to act for a cool Icelandic movie. I work until the afternoon but before I head back home I go shopping. Unfortunately, there are barely any plastic packaging-free options when it comes to food in Iceland. But I’d try to get as much as possible from stores like Heilsuhúsið in Kringlan.

I invite my friends over for dinner and I cook them medium-rare steak with béarnaise sauce and they drink red wine. After dinner, we go and play some music. Magnús plays the piano while Kéli and I sing some beautiful harmonies. We sing Abba songs, some classic Icelandic pop and, of course, a lot of Christmas songs. We play, sing, laugh and chat a lot while fluffy snowflakes fall from the dark sky.

In the heat of the night
As ideal as it would be to go downtown in Reykjavík now, I rather stay at home and enjoy the rest of the night with my boyfriend Samúel. We soak in our hot tub and turn all the lights off so we can see the stars. I love space. I think it’s beautiful and so mysterious.

Check out Ásrós Helga Guðmundsdóttir in the Between Mountains video to “Into the Dark”

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