From Iceland — Hlöllabátar


Published January 13, 2006


We should make no bones about it, whenever you eat a sandwich and the grease keeps running down your fingers, you know your health is probably best served someplace else. But the fast food industry works in light of a different virtue. The onus is placed on fast service and cheap dishes, and Hlöllabátar delivers on at least one condition. I was in and out of that place in less than ten minutes.
The price for a single sandwich is 790 ISK, and, considering the number of cheap fast food joints in the nearest surroundings, it is in the upper price level. To even it out, if you are there for lunch, they’ll throw in a soda. As for the sandwiches themselves, there is a wide selection to choose from: The New York Boat with beef and onions remains the most popular choice. I had a go with the Curry Boat w/ lamb. It actually tasted more of the grease than the curry, but there are moments when grease is preferable to curry. The Hlöllabátar experience is best reserved for those dire moments, which usually occur in the wee hours after heavy drinking.

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