From Iceland — Soup Tuesday: Looney Toons Minestrone With Shaved Parmesan

Soup Tuesday: Looney Toons Minestrone With Shaved Parmesan

Published March 8, 2016

Soup Tuesday: Looney Toons Minestrone With Shaved Parmesan


In Iceland, Donald Duck is king. Apparently, it’s a Scandinavian thing. Despite this, the only shaped noodles I could find in Bonús, the grocery store, were of the Looney Toon variety.

Minestrone can change depending on the time of year: there’s spring minestrone, fall, winter…it depends on what’s available, what’s fresh. Luckily, in Iceland we don’t have to follow those rules. Nothing is fresh. Well, that’s not true, but it sorta is.

The days are getting brighter, but the weather can shift at any moment. We need a soup that’s fresh and fun, but also nutritious and hearty. That’s what this mix attempts.

The perfect, fun soup for whatever might be challenging you on a Tuesday.

That’s all folks!

Laganúðlasúpa: Looney Toons Minestrone with Shaved Parmesan

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 45 minutes


4    Medium Yellow Onions

5    Carrots

2    Handfuls of Parsley

5    Celery Stalks

3    Cans of Kidney Beans

2   Cans of Chickpeas

1L    Tomato Sauce

500g    Looney Toons Shaped Noodles

300g    Green Beans

250g    Parmesan Cheese

200g    Spinach

Salt, Pepper, Dried Oregano and enough Vegetable Bouillon for 3L of water.

*JUST A REMINDER: I’m cooking for 8 to 12 people. You can scale down the recipes.



1. Dice up your onions and sauté them in the pot with a drizzle of olive oil.

2. Chop your carrots. Add them to the pot.


3. Finely dice your Parsley and mix it into the pot.


4. Dice your celery stalks. Add them to the pot.


5. Sweat everything on medium heat, stirring every minute or so. You want the vegetables to break down a little bit. Stir in the spinach as well.



6. Add the vegetable bouillon, oregano and water. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 20 minutes. Add the tomato sauce. Dice your green beans into nice lengths and add to the pot.


7. Add the kidney beans and chickpeas–seasoning the soup well. Bring the whole soup to a boil and add Looney Toons noodles (unnecessary but a great time).



8. Simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with freshly shaved parmesan. This is the perfect soup for the kid in all of us. Delicious.


Remember to share this recipe with your friends and loved ones.

Also, send us your recipes. Let’s get through this winter together.

One Soup Tuesday at a time.

WTF is a Soup Tuesday?

As the sun yet again makes her life-draining descent towards winter solstice, it becomes clear: fall has arrived. The darkness in store will likely bring a lot of you down, but don’t fret or give up—there are a number of methods for fighting off the winter blues: Reading, lýsi, sex, drugs, alcohol, and—of course—soup. Now, doing most of those things would be mostly inappropriate, if not illegal, at the Reykjavík Grapevine’s offices (if it were one of those “appropriate” offices)—except for maybe the lýsi and reading. And of course, the soup.

Lýsi is kinda disgusting and reading is for nerds, so to combat the coming full-scale attack of the SADs, we decided to started a new tradition to help us make it through the coming winter: SOUP TUESDAYS. Yes! Soup Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, we’ll be making a different soup in our shitty little office, document the process and then show you how to make one for yourself.

You can also send us your best recipes (on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or email), with a photo, so we can share soup knowledge throughout the world. Together we can make it through the bad weather.

Solace and Solidarity in Soup.

Happy Soup Tuesday.

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